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What happens when I am stressed out? 

What is going on when I am anxious?

When we feel stressed, our bodies begin to go through a change which many call the "flight or fight" response (more on that later). What is happening is your body is releasing the stress hormones adreneline, nonadreneline and cortisol. The body is extremely smart and is releasing these hormones so that you are ready for the danger your brain has signaled is emminent.. 
So, truthfully, anxiety is a life saver and amazing when needed. But, like I said before, it is when it is not needed that it poses a problem. 
As the stress response continues, and your body goes through these hormone changes, many symptoms arise during this transition. These symptoms can be both physical and psychological in nature. 
This is where people become uncomfortable and fight not only the stress they are feeling, but the symptoms that arise, thinking there is something wrong with them. When in reality all the symptoms really are is heightened stress response indicators. However, it is hard to understand that when you are in the middle of an anxiety attack. Every part of your being is being told you are in danger, and it is natural to respond with aprehension and fear. In fact, you are doing exactly what you are supposed to in danger. It is for survival. However, sometimes the signals go off when there is no danger, and that is what this training is all about....
When we feel stressed, our bodies begin to go through a change which many call the "flight or fight" response (more on that later). What is happening is your body is releasing the stress hormones adrenaline, nonadrenaline and cortisol. The body is extremely smart and is releasing these hormones so that you are ready for the danger your brain has signaled is imminent.
So, truthfully, anxiety is a life saver and amazing when needed. But, like I said before, it is when it is not needed that it poses a problem. 
As the stress response continues, and your body goes through these hormone changes, many symptoms arise during this transition. These symptoms can be both physical and psychological in nature. 
This is where people become uncomfortable and fight not only the stress they are feeling, but the symptoms that arise, thinking there is something wrong with them. When in reality all the symptoms really are is heightened stress response indicators. However, it is hard to understand that when you are in the middle of an anxiety attack. Every part of your being is being told you are in danger, and it is natural to respond with apprehension and fear. In fact, you are doing exactly what you are supposed to in danger. It is for survival. However, sometimes the signals go off when there is no danger, and that is what this training is all about....
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