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Writer's pictureLucie Dickenson

Energy Healing is Not What You Think...

Updated: Jul 23, 2018

So many times, when I tell people I do energy healing, there is a clear non-verbal side step which speaks volumes. I cannot truly know what everyone is thinking, but if I can assume just a bit, I believe the words 'energy healing' creates fear of the unknown. Also, a large lump of skepticism.

But, truly, energy healing is not what you may think. It is the natural way we are able to tune into our bodies and listen. We all have this incredible ability to look inside and balance what has been thrown out of whack. However, in the world we live in today, we have been conditioned to believe the answers are "out there" and not within.

Below I list six misconceptions about energy healing, and instead bring light to the truth of what I do.

1. Energy healing is a form of woo-woo magic / weird stuff.

Energy healing is simply the ability to remove blocks from your energy system. Once these

blocks are removed, your body is able to balance and heal. There is no magic. No weird stuff.

In fact, it is a very natural process. Your body heals itself all the time, every day. Think about

when you have a cold, your body's natural defenses step in and work to heal you. Energy

healing is just the extra reminder to your body that something is off balance and that it needs


2. The practitioner is the healer.

This one is such a misunderstanding and I believe holds some people back from trying energy

healing. I may guide you and help you to see what you already know subconsciously, but I do

not heal you, you do. Just like your body heals from a cold, you are the one that heals the

emotional blocks.

3. If you heal from energy healing, it is just a placebo effect.

The placebo effect is proof positive that our bodies have the incredible ability to heal itself.

There are volumes of evidence about the placebo effect and how we can self heal emotional

and physical symptoms. Therefore, if you believe energy healing is a placebo effect, all you

are really saying is that you can heal yourself. Not so terrible huh?

4. Energy healing and science do not mix.

I am not a scientist, and do not pretend to be one. However, here is so much talk about

science and energy healing and how they weave well into one another. The basics are

physics: we are all made up of molecules that are constantly vibrating. Your vibrational

level is constantly evolving at different levels, low and high. When you are stuck in lower

level vibrations, you feel it, and it does not feel good. It is through energy healing that you

can remove blocks and get your energy flowing again. This brings your vibration to a higher

level, and you begin to match other molecules vibrating at that higher level. It feels good.

5. Energy healing is a magic pill.

This is very important to understand. I may work once with a client and the next day

if they are not completely healed, they believe it did not work. Let's put this in perspective,

if you break your leg and the treatment is having it set and put in a cast, you are

patient in the weeks ahead with the healing process. The same goes for energy

healing. You may have very complex blocks and layers that need to be addressed,

therefore it takes time to get the energy flowing and balanced With that being said,

sometimes there are spontaneous healing, but more than not, it takes time.

6. You need special powers to heal or help others heal

There are no special powers to help others. I am merely a mirror that reflects back

to you what needs to be seen. That is why my tag line is " You got this. You have

always had it, I just help you remember"

Energy healing is an amazing tool in your life's toolbox. I am proof positive it works, as it helped me get over crippling anxiety. I specialize in tapping and quantum healing, helping children and adults overcome anxiety and other emotional/physical issues. Currently I am only doing remote

healing, contact me to learn more.


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