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Slow Down & Build Strength

The weather is getting colder at the shore, and with the drop of the thermometer, we instinctively wish to slow down and rejuvenate our souls. 

However, this natural inclination is at direct odds with what happens in the coming weeks. It is the beginning of the holiday season, and one of the most stressful times of the year. Because of the perceived need to rush from place to place, and over indulgence of food and drink, it is no wonder anxiety is pulsating at an all-time high. 

While the shopping and frenzy of visitors is not going to change, you absolutely can take moments for yourself. It is imperative to your well-being to take the time over these next few months to just be. We live at the shore, and are blessed to have the ocean, where you can feel at peace, relax, and recharge your energy. 

Anxiety is not something to fight or run from; it is actually your body speaking to you. It is letting you know that you are overwhelming yourself, and it is time to rest, and let go of that which is no longer needed. 

Take a tip from nature, slow down and build strength from within, by maintaining a time for you every day. This will carry you through all the festivities in a healthy, balanced way, while enjoying a new found peace in all the wonderful chaos. 


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