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Writer's pictureLucie Dickenson

Thanks Giving

In my family on Thanksgiving, when we sit down for our meal, we gather and listen to one another, as we each take a turn speaking. We talk about our lives, where we are, where we want to go, and how we think we can get there. There is always laughs, smiles and love.

Our lives can mimic the dinner table. What we choose to bring to the table every day can make such a difference to you, and to everyone you love. 

Every day share your gifts and blessings with the people you love. You will feel good because you are offering to others what you value. In turn, those you share with will feel the energy of your gift, and they will match your vibration to receive, which lifts them higher. Of course, we bring all emotions to those we love, because we feel safe doing so. However, if we repeatedly complain or speak negatively about ourselves, or others, it becomes habit. This keeps us stuck in a pattern of lower level emotions and vibrations. It is like an endless buffet of food that is not good for our bodies and our minds. 

It is your choice what you bring to life's table. You can fill your plate with complaints, or have it overflowing with blessings and gratitude. 

Nourish your soul. Give thanks. 

Love Always,



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